J∆ • Softcode.net
Seriously Fun Mac and Windows Software
WoW Lights
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Softcode Support
macOS v7.0 18 Oct 20
Windows v7.1 29 Nov 20
Frequently Asked Questions (hover mouse here)
Can I make a donation?
How do I fix all the lights going black?
Why do my G-keys turn the wrong color after combat?
What do I do if the Logitech driver won't start?
What if security settings block the application?
Does it work with other RGB keyboards?
Does this violate the EULA? Will I get banned?
Why aren't the animated lights playing?
Why doesn't the Test button change my lights?
Why does the AddOn stop calibration mode too soon?
How do I get the AddOn out of my game screenshots?
After some in-game cinematics my keyboard lights stay back. How can I fix that?
They may come back as soon as you start moving. If not, just type /G910r into the WoW chat box.
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