WoW G910
Does WoW G910 work with illuminated keyboards other than the G910?
Yes! Logitech keyboards with “per-key” lighting capability that use Logitech Gaming Software (LGS) or G HUB will work. The G213 keyboard is also supported but can display only one color at a time on the entire keyboard.
As a quick test, first make sure LGS (Mac and Windows) or G HUB (Windows only) is running. Download the WoW G910 app, open it, and click the TEST button in the main window. If your keyboard is fully compatible with per-key lighting control, you’ll see a red and white pattern on the keyboard. If your keyboard only has single-color support, it will turn all red.
Prior to version 6.0, WoW G910 would also change the colors on your Logitech RGB mouse and headphones for combat, death, and alerts. This is no longer the case. WoW G910 attempts to leave your mouse and headset color unchanged.
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